After receiving the complaint, the DOCCS’ Office of Special Investigations (OSI) will evaluate it to determine the best course of action. All complaints received by OSI are documented, reviewed, and processed pursuant to established procedures. Complaints are assigned or referred at the discretion of OSI, and generally fall into one of the following categories based on the nature of the allegation:
If OSI assigns a case to investigate a complaint, the OSI investigation may include numerous investigative steps and techniques, some of which include (but are not limited to) the following:
If the investigation establishes evidence of criminal conduct, OSI will refer the case for criminal prosecution. If there is sufficient evidence that a DOCCS’ employee engaged in misconduct in violation of a DOCCS’ policy, then OSI will refer the case to the Department’s Bureau of Labor Relations for consideration of employee disciplinary charges. OSI may also make a recommendation to the relevant Departmental program areas for consideration of a revision to a policy or procedure. At the conclusion of an investigation, OSI notifies the complainant, in writing, whether the allegation was substantiated or not by a preponderance of the evidence.