Driver Licensing in Ireland

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Renting a Vehicle

When renting a vehicle you will need a full driver’s licence from the country that you reside in. However, typically you must have held that licence for 2 years. Drivers aged between 21 – 25 years and 70 – 75 years are usually subject to special conditions.

Non-EU/EEA driving licences cannot be accepted if the holder has been a resident in Ireland for more than 12 months (see below about exchanging your foreign drivers licence).

Typically, an International Driving License is required if your national driver’s license is not in Roman script. International Driving Permits must be accompanied by the original domestic licence of the driver. Those that accept non Roman script licences will require an English translation. Always read the fine print of the car hire contract before confirming your booking.

EU/EEA Drivers Licences

If you have an EU/EEA driver’s licence you may continue to drive in Ireland on your current licence. You can exchange it for an Irish drivers licence when it expires.

Non EU/EEA Drivers Licences

If you have a licence from a country outside of the EU/EEA, then you may drive on your driver’s licence in Ireland for 12 months. However, after the 12 month period you need to apply to have your driver’s licence changed to an Irish one.

How to Exchange Your Foreign Driving Licence for an Irish Driving Licence

Are You Eligible to Exchange Your Foreign Driving Licence for an Irish Driving Licence?

To be eligible to exchange your driver’s licence for an Irish one you must: