( e.g . Europcar: 711Z - car rental )
Europcar would like to become better acquainted with you so we can continually adapt our products and services to meet your needs.
4. Information about your rentals
a) Which classes of vehicles do you usually rent?
b) How often do you rent a car each year?
Please specify countries
Please specify countries
c) Who is responsible for arranging your rentals?
5. Information regarding your personal vehicle
Date of purchase
6. Prefered postal address for correspondence and information from Europcar
7. What are your hobbies and personal interests?
(Please name only three)
Europcar reserves the right to use this customer information for the promotional mailings of Europcar and the business associates of Europcar . If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please tick this box.
I am aware that provision of this information is voluntary but necessary for obtaining a Privilege Card. The information will be stored in a database, and I can view and correct this information whenever I so desire.
Contact address : Europcar , Marketing/Customer Cards, Steinackerstrasse 20, CH-8302 Kloten , Telephone 044-804 46 46 , Fax 044-804 46 47.
I hereby confirm that all of the information provided on this application form is true and correct. I further confirm that I have read, understood and accepted the General Terms and Conditions. I undertake to inform Europcar of any and all changes by means of a letter addressed to the Marketing Department in my country.
It is essential that you provide the following information if you wish to take advantage of Ready Service or Master Rental Agreement Service at our various locations.
I wish to take advantage of Ready Service:
8. Means of payment
All rentals that you make using the Ready Service will automatically be charged to your Europcar Central Billing account or the credit card of your choice. Customers with Central Billing accounts must also complete the credit card information in order to allow us to process the application. Please specify two of your credit cards in the order of your choice. The second card will only be used if the first card is not valid. Special conditions apply for Airplus -cardholders. Please contact us at 044 804 46 10.
9. Insurance
In order to take advantage of Ready Service, you must state which forms of insurance you wish to have . If you occasionally use your rental car for non-business purposes, or if the Europcar terms and conditions for business rentals do not include all of the types of insurance you wish to have, please tick the additional forms of coverage you wish to have. Your selections will then be used in making your Ready Service bookings. (Please tick Yes or No for each of the three options).
CDW : Collision Damage Waiver (coverage for damage to the vehicle)
TW: Theft Waiver (coverage for theft of the vehicle)
PAI : Personal Accident Insurance (accident insurance for the driver and passengers)
Ready Master Rental Agreement Service provides you the fastest possible service at the counters of participating locations. Your rental contract will be fully prepared in advance, and your key will be ready and waiting for you. No paper hassle, and no need to sign anything. At certain rental locations, you can obtain the key for your rental vehicle directly from an automated self-service terminal. When making your reservation, please ask about the participating Ready Service stations.
In order to take advantage of the Ready Master Rental Agreement Option, please read and sign the following declaration.
In order to take advantage of the Ready Master Rental Agreement Option, please read and sign the following declaration:
By signing this declaration, I confirm that the information provided on this form is true and correct. I further confirm that I have read, understood and accepted the General Terms and Conditions accompanying this application form in their entirety.
I am aware that I must state my Europcar ID number for each reservation in order to take advantage of Ready Service.
I undertake to inform the Europcar Marketing Department in writing regarding any and all changes or modifications to the information provided in this Master Rental Agreement, including penalty endorsements to my driving licence, restriction or loss of my driving licence due to traffic offences, and any change to the preferred means of payment following submission of the application.
I undertake to comply with the traffic regulations of the country in question for each rental that I make using my Privilege Ready Card or Privilege Ready ID Number
I hereby authorise Europcar to charge all costs that may be incurred within the scope of the rentals to the valid card identified in Section B.
I am aware that in signing this Master Rental Agreement, I undertake a commitment with respect to all future rentals, even if my signature does not appear on the individual rental contracts, in order to avoid delays in the rental transaction.
I am aware that these provisions do not release me from the obligation to verify the information in the printed rental contracts.
I am aware that my Privilege Ready Card is personal and that I am not allowed to give it to third persons for any reason whatsoever.
Finally, I have been informed that provision of his information is voluntary but necessary for renting and returning vehicles using Ready Service. This information will be stored in a computerised database. I may view and correct my personal data whenever I so desire.
Contact address : Europcar , Marketing/ Kundenkarten , Customer Cards 20, CH-8302 Kloten , Telephone 044-804 46 46 , Fax 044-804 46 47.
Company Stamp and signature