What is Compliance Monitoring, and Why is it Important?

Three large, white satellite dishes against a cloudy sky, representing advanced technology for compliance monitoring.

Maintaining organizational integrity and resilience hinges upon effective compliance monitoring.

It safeguards against financial penalties, reputational damage, and legal action. It fosters a culture of ethical conduct and robust risk management.

The risks of not getting compliance right are huge. Failing to effectively monitor compliance can lead to outcomes like TikTok’s 2023 €345 million GDPR fine.

This guide delves into the who, what, why, and how of building an effective compliance monitoring program, empowering your organization to navigate the ever-shifting regulatory landscape with confidence.

What is compliance monitoring?

Compliance monitoring is an ongoing process that ensures your organization’s day-to-day activities adhere to all laws, regulations, and internal regulations you set.

Monitoring compliance is also a regulatory requirement in some jurisdictions and industries. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), for example, requires organizations to detail their compliance monitoring plans.

In most cases, compliance monitoring involves the following elements:

Compliance monitoring is business-critical for all organizations, regardless of size or industry.

However, it’s especially important for organizations that operate in highly regulated industries, such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing.

Why is compliance monitoring important?

Compliance monitoring is the cornerstone of organizational integrity and resilience. It safeguards against the financial and reputational repercussions of non-compliance, while simultaneously fostering a culture of ethical conduct and robust risk management. Here’s how:

Who’s responsible for compliance monitoring?

In most enterprise organizations, the person with the ultimate responsibility is the Chief Compliance Officer. But to some degree, the responsibility for compliance is shared.

  1. Dedicated Compliance Team: Often larger organizations have dedicated teams specifically tasked with establishing and executing the compliance monitoring strategy. This team orchestrates the process.
  2. Individual Employees: Every employee, regardless of their position, plays a vital role in adhering to regulations and company policies. They need to actively participate in following established procedures.
  3. Management and Leadership: Senior leadership should set the tone for a culture of compliance through clear expectations, training, and accountability measures.

Ultimately, everyone within an organization shares a degree of responsibility for compliance monitoring. However, the specific roles and responsibilities can vary depending on the size, structure, and industry of the organization.

How to create a compliance monitoring program

A modern, successful compliance monitoring program needs to not only establish processes and ensure regulatory compliance but should also be repeatable, and scalable.

Over the past year, BRYTER has spoken to hundreds of senior compliance leaders. The commonality? They all utilize technology to help facilitate their compliance monitoring.

To create an effective compliance monitoring program, best practice suggests you should:

Conduct a compliance audit

Stress-test your policies

Identify potential risk areas

Monitor the success of your compliance program

How BRYTER’s AI Agents tool can help

Traditional compliance monitoring can be disjointed and resource-intensive.

AI Agents rewrites the script, enabling you to pinpoint potential gaps and vulnerabilities before they morph into critical issues. This proactive risk detection empowers you to address weaknesses before they become liabilities, enhancing compliance.

It also allows you to stress-test your policies against legislation. This not only allows you to create policies that satisfy regulators, but also empowers you to identify trends, refine policies, and continuously optimize your compliance efforts.