The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) generally requires state and local government agencies to inform decision makers and the public about the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects, and to reduce those environmental impacts to the extent feasible.
The laws and rules governing the CEQA process are contained in the CEQA statute (Public Resources Code Section 21000 and following), the CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15000 and following), published court decisions interpreting CEQA, and locally adopted CEQA procedures.
A portal created by the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) contains additional helpful resources on various CEQA topics.
go to siteAn hour-long presentation by OPR and City of Sacramento attorneys on what actions are covered by CEQA.
view on YouTube CEQA 202 Webinar 2: ExemptionsAn hour-long presentation by OPR and Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) staff on which projects are exempt from CEQA.
view on YouTube CEQA 202 Webinar 3: Standards of ReviewAn hour-long presentation by OPR and CEQA attorneys Sabrina Teller and Matt Keasling on standards of review used by the courts to review decisions by the lead agency.
view on YouTube CEQA 202 Webinar 4: GHG AnalysisA 90-minute long presentation by OPR and California Air Resources Board staff on best practices for lead agencies and CEQA practitioners in conducting greenhouse gas (GHG) analyses under CEQA.
view resourcesThe Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) serves several important functions in the administration of CEQA. Please note that CEQA is enforced through litigation and not by any agency, including OPR. OPR’s role is limited to the duties listed below and OPR has no additional authority to “enforce” CEQA or intercede in specific projects.
Together with the Natural Resources Agency (CNRA), OPR develops the CEQA Guidelines. The CEQA Guidelines are administrative regulations interpreting the CEQA statute and published court decisions.
OPR provides technical assistance to state and local government agencies, including the development of technical advisories on selected CEQA topics.
OPR runs the State Clearinghouse (SCH) which coordinates State level review and filing of CEQA documents. Established in 1973, the SCH is responsible for managing the State’s environmental review process pursuant to CEQA. The CEQA Guidelines require lead agencies to file notices or submit many types of environmental documents to the SCH under certain circumstances. CEQA documents filed with the OPR must be submitted via CEQA Submit for publication to CEQAnet. Before contacting the SCH Office, please navigate through the SCH website as many questions can be answered there.
Due to the Covid-19 State of Emergency, certain notice and filing procedures and deadlines have been amended by executive order. Please see CEQA News for more information
In certain circumstances, OPR may designate a lead agency pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21165 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15053.
Upon request from a lead agency, OPR can also assist the lead agency in determining which agencies are responsible agencies or have responsibility for carrying out or approving a proposed project pursuant to Public Resources Code Sections 21080.3 and 21080.4.
Lead agency disputes and requests for assistance may be submitted directly to the State Clearinghouse at
Shannon Clark is Land Use Counsel at OPR, where she works with the Legal, Legislative and Planning and Community Development teams on issues related to CEQA, housing, transportation planning and administrative law, including implementation of the CEQA Judicial Streamlining program.
Christine Asiata RodriguezChristine Asiata Rodriguez, is the Manager of the State Clearinghouse (SCH) at the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR).