Notice to vacate

A notice to vacate is a request in writing from the rental provider (landlord) for you to leave your rented home. In some cases, you can challenge the notice and will not have to leave.

Notices to vacate factsheet

Learn more in our handy factsheet about notices to vacate.

Rental provider wants you to leave

If the rental provider wants you to move out of the property, they must give you a valid notice to vacate and can give you various reasons. The length of the notice period depends on the reason the rental provider is giving the notice and whether you have a fixed-term rental agreement (lease).

It is important to note that because you receive a notice to vacate, it does not necessarily mean that you have to move out. If the rental provider wants to evict you, they must first apply to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) and convince VCAT that they should be granted a possession order.

Types of notices

Immediate notice to vacate

If you receive an immediate notice to vacate you should contact us for urgent advice.

The rental provider can give an immediate notice to vacate: