Dependent Clause: Definition, Meaning, Examples, and Usage

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A dependent clause, also called a subordinate clause, is a part of a sentence that can’t stand alone.

Today, we’re learning all about dependent clauses.

  1. What Is a Dependent Clause?
  2. How to Write a Dependent Clause
  3. Types of Dependent Clause
  4. Dependent Clause Example Sentences

What Is a Dependent Clause?

What does it mean when we say a dependent clause can’t stand alone? Let’s take a look at the dictionary definition of dependent clause and what this means in English grammar.

Dependent Clause: Definition

A dependent clause is a part of a sentence that has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.

Definition of a dependent clause

Dependent clauses often begin with subordinating conjunctions, which include words like although, because, and since.

Here’s an example of a sentence with a dependent clause. The dependent clause is in bold.

Because my hands were full is not a complete sentence. It’s more than just a modifier or predicate, however, because there’s a subject (my hands) and a verb (were).

“Because my hands are full” is an incomplete thought and therefore not a full sentence. ProWritingAid can make sure that your dependent clauses aren’t standing alone!

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Dependent Clause: Meaning

We use dependent clauses to add more information to sentences. Dependent clauses are paired with independent clauses and may provide information like who, why, or how something happened.

Think back to our previous example. The independent clause “I dropped the bottle” is a complete sentence. Adding the dependent clause explains why I dropped the bottle.

Dependent and independent clauses

Because it does not express a complete thought, a dependent clause must be linked to an independent clause. This means that you can find dependent clauses in two types of sentences.

Sentences with dependent clauses

Dependent clauses are usually easy to identify within a sentence. Many times, they start with a subordinating conjunction. Here is a full list of common subordinating conjunctions.

After Because So that Until
Although Before Than Wether
As Rather than Though While
At Since Unless If

Dependent clauses can also start with relative pronouns. A relative pronoun stands in for a noun or noun phrase. Here is a list of relative pronouns.

Who That What
Whom When Why
Whose Where Whoever
Which How Whosoever

If you spot a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun, it’s a clue that you’ve found a dependent clause.

Then, look for the subject and the verb in that clause.

Finally, determine if the clause can express a complete thought. If not, you have a dependent clause.

How to Write a Dependent Clause

There are a few rules for writing dependent clauses. We already know that it must be paired with an independent clause, since a dependent clause can't stand alone.

The other rules deal with how to punctuate a dependent clause.

When a sentence starts with a dependent clause that acts as an adjective or adverb, put a comma after the dependent clause, before the independent clause.

Here’s an example:

If the dependent clause ends the sentence, you don’t need a comma. Check out the same example with the independent clause at the start:

Sometimes a dependent clause appears in the middle of a sentence. If it’s essential to the sentence’s meaning, it’s called a restrictive clause and doesn’t require a comma.

If the clause is just extraneous information, it’s called a non-restrictive clause (non-essential clause) and does require commas.

Restrictive vs non-restrictive clauses

In the first sentence, the dependent clause (who has a red car) is restrictive because it tells us which neighbor plays loud music.

In the second sentence, we already know which neighbor it is (John), so the dependent clause is extraneous information.

Types of Dependent Clause

There are three main types of dependent clause. They are named after the role they play in a sentence.

A dependent clause can act like an adjective, an adverb, or a noun. Let’s look at each of these in more detail.

Adjective Clauses

When a dependent clause provides information that describes a noun or pronoun, it’s acting like an adjective. This is called an adjective clause or a relative clause.

Definition of adjective clauses

Adjective clauses usually begin with a relative pronoun.

Let’s return to our example of the neighbor who plays loud music.

“Who has a red car” describes the subject “my neighbor,” which makes it an adjective clause.

Here’s a different example where the adjective clause describes the object of a sentence.

The clause describes the house.

If you’re wondering where the subjects are in these dependent clauses, remember that relative pronouns act like nouns or pronouns. Who and that are the subjects of the adjective clauses.

Adverbial Clauses

You might recall that adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

Adverbs usually provide information about how, how much, when, to what extent, or in what way something occurs.

Definition of adverbial clauses

Adverbial clauses do the same thing, but instead of one word, the entire adverbial clause modifies the verb, adjective, or adverb.

Here’s an example of an adverbial clause:

This adverbial clause modifies the verb danced and answers the question How long did we dance?

Let’s look at another example:

The adverbial clause tells us where mosquitos can breed.

Noun Clauses

Noun clauses are dependent clauses that function as nouns.

Noun clauses are an exception to one of the comma rules. If a noun clause begins a sentence, no comma is necessary before the independent clause.

Definition of noun clauses

Let’s look at an example.

In this example, the noun clause replaces the entire subject of the sentence. Noun clauses can replace any noun, not just the subject.

Here’s another example of a noun clause:

This noun clause acts as the object of the sentence.

Dependent Clause Example Sentences

We’ve looked at several examples of dependent clauses already. Here are a few more.

Remember, a dependent clause contains a subject and a verb but does not express a complete thought. Always pair your dependent clauses with an independent clause to avoid sentence fragments.

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