Choosing The Best Font For Cover Letters and Resumes

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Choosing the right cover letter font and resume font is important because can make or break whether your document is visually appealing and giving the impression you want. To pick your cover letter’s font, you should first think about what your intention is for your letter. For cover letters, the main intention is for your words and message to do all the talking. This means the font should not be artsy, fun, or obscure. It should allow your words to be immediately legible.

Additionally, consider being consistent in your font choice for both your cover letter and resume. The stylistic consistency may seem like a small detail, but it allows for recruits or hiring managers to easily flow from one document to the next, without any distractions in the way.

Picking an appropriate font size for a cover letter

The size of your font is equally as important as choosing the correct font for your cover letter. If the text of your letter is too small or visibly challenging, your application might be passed up for another candidate.

There are three general options when picking a font size, 10, 11, or 12. Your cover letter should always fit on one-page, so consider this when formatting your first draft. A smaller font is appropriate if it helps keep all of your text on one page. However, if your cover letter is on the shorter side, choosing font size 12 is equally as appropriate.

It’s also important to note that different fonts come in a variety of sizes.

Once your cover letter is written, spend some time on formatting to make sure it looks good and fits on one page. If you have already selected the smallest size and your copy bleeds into a second page, try adjusting the margins or see where you can cut to condense the letter.

Personalize your font selection

While there is no science behind picking the perfect font, there are specific fonts that are highly regarded for their perception of being easily readable, professional, and clean. Below, we outline some of the best cover letter fonts to choose from.

Going with one of the listed fonts for your cover letter and resume puts you in a good place for the formatting of your cover letter. As with many things, font choice is subjective, and you should make the choice you feel most comfortable with.

The last thing to be mindful of is how many fonts you choose to use for your cover letter.

Since there are a few different pieces to a cover letter, you may be tempted to use different fonts for headers, introductions, or conclusions. However, it’s good practice to only use one font for your cover letter. Maintaining this consistency ensures a smooth reading process for your recruiter or hiring manager.

Including white space

When formatting your cover letter, it’s always important to remember that there is a significant amount of space required at the top of your letter. Additionally, you should leave white space between each paragraph and each new section of the cover letter.

Usually, word processors have templates that you can use to make sure you properly space your cover letter. Again, don’t forget that your entire cover letter should fit on a single page, so it’s important to take some time to play with the formatting once you are done writing your letter. Perfecting your formatting ensures you will make a stellar first impression.

Reminders for email cover letters

The best practices outlined in this article are mostly for cover letters that are in hard-copy or emailed as a Word document or PDF attachment. If your job application instructs you to include your cover letter in the body of the email, you might be tempted to copy, paste, and send.

However, be mindful of how the formatting shifts when you copy and paste things into an email, making it tricky for the hiring manager or recruiter to read. Be sure you either fix the formatting in the body of the email or copy and paste it as plain text directly into the email.

Best fonts for your resume 2023 FAQ

  1. What role does font choice play in my resume and cover letter?Font choice plays a crucial role in your resume and cover letter as it directly impacts readability and the overall impression you make on potential employers. The right font can enhance professionalism, clarity, and visual appeal, while the wrong choice can distract from your content or make it difficult to read.
  2. Should I use a serif or sans-serif font for my resume and cover letter?Whether to use a serif or sans-serif font depends on your personal preference and the style you want to convey. Serif fonts, with their small decorative strokes, often exude tradition and professionalism. On the other hand, sans-serif fonts are clean and modern, offering a sleek and contemporary look. Ultimately, the choice should align with your industry and the image you want to project.

Final thoughts

The font you choose is your resume’s first impression, so choosing the right one can you get your job applications started on the right foot. The way your resume is organized and how it looks at a glance can say a lot about you even before the hiring manager even starts to read it.

Be sure to use a simple, professional font and break your resume down into sections balanced out by plenty of white space.

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