Sample Relocation Letter for Your Employees

Whether you're moving for work or you're coordinating a move for an employee (or several employees), planning an employee relocation can be challenging. Our Complete Guide to Employee Relocation will answer all your biggest questions about relocating employees, from what costs are covered in a relocation package and what employee relocation companies can do to help to how to ask for a relocation package.

Whether it’s due to an office-wide move, a promotion, or temporarily covering a vacancy at a satellite office, writing a letter asking an employee to relocate can be a challenging undertaking.

To help make the process easier during what may already be a stressful time, we’ve created this guide to writing a relocation request letter for your employees. In this section of the Complete Guide to Employee Relocation, we will go over:

  1. What is an employee relocation letter?
  2. What to include in an employee relocation letter
  3. Three employee relocation letter templates for employers who are writing an employee relocation letter

What Is An Employee Relocation Letter?

An employee relocation letter is, simply put, a communication sent to an employee requesting they move to a new location. The letter doesn’t have to be long or overly detailed, but it does need to provide important information your employees will need in order to make their decision.

What To Include In An Employee Relocation Letter

When drafting a letter informing an employee of their relocation, it’s important to include five key details:

  1. The reason for their relocation
  2. The move duration (is it permanent or temporary?)
  3. What relocation benefits will be offered
  4. Any relevant changes to state taxes and laws they should know about
  5. Assurance and words of encouragement

Let’s look at these elements in more detail.

1. The reason for their relocation

First, an employee needs to know why you are asking them to move. There are a variety of reasons why you may need to request that an employee relocate to a new office, such as:

Clearly outlining the reasons for the move can affect their decision to accept the relocation, and providing as many details as possible will help alleviate anxiety surrounding the relocation. This information should be included in the letter even if you’ve already discussed the reason for the relocation request in person.

2. Move duration

Since relocations can occur for myriad reasons, while you are outlining why you need them to move, you should also clearly indicate how long the relocation is for. Is it permanent or only for a few weeks or months? The timeline affects how involved the relocation process will be and can impact whether an employee ultimately agrees to the relocation.

3. Relocation benefits

It is common practice for companies relocating an employee to offer relocation benefits that cover some or all of the costs of moving. A relocation letter should outline any services your company provides, as well as which costs will be covered and which will not. Relocation benefits may include things like:

4. Discuss changes to taxes and laws

If your employee is moving to a different state, it's important to mention any tax differences they might need to know for future filing. If they need new information or documents for their tax forms, you can also provide those to help them even further.

5. Provide assurance

Being asked to relocate can be a scary prospect, especially if it’s not expected. Close the letter by offering assurances to the employee, reminding them that they are valued and that you will help them transition in any way you can. Invite them to reach out with any questions or concerns they have. Be sure to note if this is an optional or mandatory relocation.

3 Employee Relocation Letter Templates

Writing a relocation letter can be difficult, especially when you are personally involved in the situation and know the employee that is being relocated. To that end, we have provided a few sample relocation letters for employees to help get you started, including:

  1. A permanent employee relocation letter due to a promotion
  2. A permanent employee relocation due to an office move
  3. A temporary employee relocation due to a vacant position at another office

Template #1: Permanent employee relocation letter for promotion

We at [COMPANY NAME] are thrilled with your work and would like to extend you an offer for [POSITION TITLE]. In this new position, you will [JOB DESCRIPTION] from our offices in [NEW LOCATION].

This position and relocation will be permanent.

[COMPANY NAME] is prepared to offer you the following relocation assistance to make your transition as smooth as possible:

The following expenses will not be covered or reimbursed:

This promotion involves moving to a new state of residence. Please reach out to our HR team for tax information, legal details, and any paperwork you will need if you choose to accept this promotion.

Please note that this promotion comes with a salary increase of [AMOUNT] per year in addition to [LIST OF BENEFITS].

If you wish to accept this offer, or you have any questions at all, please reach out to me at [CONTACT INFORMATION].

Template #2: Permanent employee relocation due to office move

We are writing to inform you that our office will be permanently moving locations to [NEW LOCATION] at [DATE]. You are a valued member of our team and we would love for you to continue your work at our new offices in [LOCATION].

[COMPANY] is prepared to help ease the transition to the new office and will provide the following relocation assistance if it is required:

The following expenses will not be covered or reimbursed:

We know that moving is stressful, but we will do everything in our power to ease this transition for you. To accept this offer or to discuss the matter further, please reach out to me at [CONTACT INFORMATION].

Template #3: Temporary employee relocation due to a vacant position at another office

We at [COMPANY NAME] are pleased with your work and think you would be able to serve as interim [JOB TITLE] in our office in [NEW LOCATION] until approximately [DATE], when we expect the vacancy to be filled.

This position and relocation are temporary.

[COMPANY NAME] is prepared to offer you the following relocation assistance to make the transition as smooth as possible:

The following expenses will not be covered or reimbursed:

If you wish to accept this offer, or you wish to discuss the matter further, please reach out to me at [CONTACT INFORMATION].


It can be a difficult task to inform an employee or employees that they will have to relocate for work either temporarily or permanently. The best approach is to be honest and forthcoming with all the details they will need to make their decision. Make sure you tell them:

  1. The reason for their relocation
  2. The length of their relocation
  3. Relocation benefits
  4. Any changes to taxes or laws that might impact them if the move is to a new state
  5. That you are happy with their work and want them to stay on with your company—assure them that the relocation is not a punishment

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Moving For Work or Relocating Employees?

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What Is Included in an Employee Relocation Package

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